Presenting Nathan Wardlow...
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Another budding poem in the 8th grade at Bessemer Academy....

Nathan Wardlow
When asked when he wrote this poem Nathan said, "It was about 4:00 AM Friday and it all just came to me."
And we are glad it did .... and glad to share it with all of you!

Our Pearl Harbor

September 11 ~ a day that will live in infamy...
As the eagle awoke to a frosty September morning,
Who knew it would lose the lives of many?
Of the past events it was just learning.
Then a tear fell from the eagle's eye
When we were hit by surprise.
Then the mighty eagle began to cry
When we lost two thousand lives.
Then it heard of a third plane
Called Flight 93.
As the eagle's heart began to rain,
It thought, "What would it do if it were me?"
As the passengers took control,
The plane dove into the ground.
Those passengers showed the spirit
Of the eagle when they thought of the country as a whole.

This is our Pearl Harbor
And we are the land of the free and the home of the brave.
So I salute President Bush and the Stars and the Stripes!