A Poet in the Classroom!
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Josh says he like to write poetry for fun and one of his goals for 8th grade is to learn to write more and better forms of poetry. We think that in a lot of ways he has already accomplished that goal! Enjoy his poem, "The Light", that was a finalist in the Superintendent's Cross Curriculum Writing Awards for 2003 along with his latest one, "The Dream".

  The Light
by Josh Edgecomb

Through the light I can see a face.
The face of myself reflected in glass.
I was noticed by the light of unknowing beauty.
This beauty is you.

I have not dreamt of thine eyes gazing at mine
Through the reflected glass that separates us.
It has surpassed any I've known.

The light tells all, but is not real
To the eyes that can't see.
And so, to dilute my vision with such radiance
Has no consequence.

Cast in a shell forever not seen,
Drifting away from reality even more than is noticed
'Till one day you will be gone forever,
Casting a shadow where you once stood.

Until that day comes,
We know the light,
We see the light,
But we will never capture or respect its beauty
Until it's gone forever.

Josh Edgecomb
  The Dream
by Josh Edgecomb

When I close my eyes this is what the darkness gives me.
A lion swinging from a canape.
Looking at me silently.
Soaking my culture with uncertainty.
Having not yet seen the evil of this society.
Mesmerized in the lion's eyes not yet knowing.
But all the lion is showing is the nothing in its eyes.
So I stand there forever encapusalted in the nothingness of the lion's eyes.

Do you see me standing here?
Looking for you ever vigilantly.
Standing so lonely.
Shrouded in this captivity.
While you look at me so peacefully.

Nights go by and still I stare
into the eyes of nothing that dares to compare
to the abyss that is rare
to the world that I long forgot.

When I awake from the dream
that was only a ream
of time in my cinema line
just so I could disturb this grand design.
I will not remember the lion or the nothingness I got lost in for so long
just so I can relive it the next night.