A Real Live Scary Story-Starter!
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The Pueblo Library is sponsoring a Scary Story Contest!
So....Mr. Frink, eager to help the students in any way he can, just happened to run across a good idea for a story starter! It also coincides with the students listening to an old time radio classic entitled "The Crawling Thing".

The students are learning the parts of a short story. A good short story includes a setting, the characters, the problem, the steps of the plot, and a conclusion. See what you think of when you look at the following real life photos taken on Mrs. Frink's property.....

It all started on the way to the trash can...
While Mr. Frink was taking the trash up the hill to the trash can, he encountered a brown tarantula...who just happened to wait around long enough for him to get his camera.
The Stand-Off...
Note the front legs raised in order to try to attack the "enemy".....
The Stance
The tarantula sets his feet in the ground preparing for "battle" as Mr. Frink has his face about 10" from the spiders face!

Now...can you write a scary story from this beginning?

Look for the "real" scary stories that were entered in the contest on the following page!