Flat People on the Ranch
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"Home, Home On the Range............."


The Rigli Ranch SW of Fort Morgan, Colorado

The Flat People hitched a ride with Mrs. Frink when she went to northeastern Colorado to visit her parents on their 1,960 acre ranch southwest of Fort Morgan.  They had never been to a real live ranch and did they ever enjoy it!!  They look pretty small compared to the vast open spaces of the ranch in the background!

Head 'Em Up and Move 'Em Out!

The Flat People watch and cheer as the cattle head out to the pasture once more after coming in to get a drink from the stock tank.  With the drought the past couple of years, the pasture is very dry ~ note the dust as the cattle run towards the sandhills.  (These are the same sandhills in which Mrs. Frink and her brothers would spend hours playing when they were children.)

"Hey, Flat People! Do You Know Those Flat Cows in the Cartoons?"

(No, they do not they know the "minute steak" cows from The Far Side....)  But they are getting to know Mr. Rigli's milk cow as they sit and chat with her while she eats her grain.  She is not ready to be milked yet, though the Flat People asked if they could come back another time when each could try a hand at milking! 

Gathering Eggs with Mr. Rigli

The Flat People had to be cautious as they went into the chicken house to gather the eggs for the day.  There were some pretty protective hens in there, though Mr. Rigli guaranteed their safety while he was there.  It took several Flat People to pick up one egg, but eventually the job was completed and the eggs were taken to the house to clean up and put into cartons to be sold.  (The Flat People are hoping there will be enough green Aracauna eggs by the time Easter gets here so they can have real colored Easter eggs without having to dye them!!)

Hitching a Ride on a 1947 Plymouth

This is the Plymouth sedan that Mrs. Frink's grandfather bought new in 1947 in order to take his daughter (Mrs. Rigli) to her wedding in June of that year.  It also took Mr. and Mrs. Rigli to their 50th anniversary party in Fort Morgan in June of 1997.  And now it carries the Flat People of 2003 for a brief time.....

"The Flat People on the Wheels go 'Round and 'Round....."

One of the things the Flat People were able to do is to help Mr. and Mrs. Rigli move these antique wheels from the quanset to the yard of their home.  They rode on them and got a little dizzy, but it was worth it.  They enjoyed being able to be a help on the ranch!  (They are the same wheels that you can see in the photo above on the far left.)

Resting on a Chair Made of Horsehoes

As the sun was beginning to sink low into the west, the Flat People took a break in the Rigli's yard and rested on this chair made totally of horseshoes.  There are no horses to ride on the ranch any more, but this was a treat for them that was nearly as much fun!

Thanks for taking time to see what the Flat People are doing and where they are traveling. Come back again real soon to see where the Flat People will be next time!