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Help with "Coat Decisions"

The Flat People went to the booth of Judy and Don Fite, owners of Solarado Specialties out of Olathe, Colorado. They helped Mrs. Frink pick out a long Pendleton wool coat. Each one is sitting on a choice, but in the end, they decided on this red one. It will take a few weeks for Judy to make it, but when it is finished, Mrs. Frink will model it for the class.

Solorado's Mascot MaGillicuddy

Don't worry, Esteven, he won't get you! The guy with the muscles will protect you!

The Flat People were able to pose with a buzzard, the mascot of Solorado Specialties! They gathered around the rack of coats and quickly made friends with this unusual bird!

Model of the Year

When "Alice" saw Mrs. Frink model her coat, she, too, wanted to model something. She was lucky because Judy had a shawl just her size that was waiting for her!! Note how well it fits and how pleased she looks in it! (We still haven't figured out where the dog fits in....????)

Climbing the Great Wall of China

"Patrick" leads the way up the Great Wall of China as the rest of the Flat People follow. When the walk was over, they all sat down with the Frinks and enjoyed a wonderful meal at the China Wok Buffet on Menaul in Albuquerque. Most everyone ate everything on their plate......except...

"You Can Give My Egg Roll to Charlie"

Those were the words from Eliza when she found out that the Flat People were going out for Chinese. So, true to the request, "Charlie" was the recipient of an extra egg roll and "Eliza" and he both went away from the restaurant happy! (Do those look like happy faces or what??!!)

To Get a Better View....

The Flat People climb the fence to get a better view of the balloon launch on Sunday. Over 700 hot air balloons were in the air over Albuquerque and the Flat People were a part of all the excitement!

The trip was a long and hard one, but it was well worth the experience and they look forward to other excitings adventures (after a much deserved rest at home for awhile)!